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Client Success Stories

Yolanda's Story


Jami's Story


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Marli’s Story (2 months into the program)

“When I was first hit with RA it was sudden and painful. My knee and leg were swollen and it was difficult to walk. All of my joints ached. My doctor prescribed naproxen and ordered blood tests..... he suspected RA.  When I got home I started googling.... after wading through all the information available online I knew I needed help to discover the proper diet and supplements that would most benefit me. While researching Jessica's Facebook page came up so I started following her. I clicked on her clip to learn more about her program....after a phone conversation with her I felt her approach was sound and I was eager to get started. I started on the diet immediately. One of the things I liked was that she had done all the research and even ordered the supplements for me. I had already spent money on supplements that weren't right for me so this worked perfectly.  Jessica guides you through the program and she's available to answer your questions. You learn what each supplement is for and why certain foods aren't good for you. Much easier to follow when you have this information. I am now on 200 mg. of hydroxychloroquine prescribed by a rheumatologist… I am reintroducing foods at this time.... I'll stay off the dairy, gluten, sugar, and processed foods.  I feel good. My leg swelling is completely gone..... the only issue I have at this time is some morning stiffness in the tops of my legs. It is usually gone within 10-15 minutes of me moving around. I'm back to doing all the things I was before this hit. I walk at least 1 hr. daily, snowshoe a few times a week, and am able to maintain my house. A great program and thankful to Jessica for all her help so far”

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